High Five for Friday

Well, hello Friday! I’m so glad you’re here again. I’m so thankful to be looking forward to a quiet weekend! My favorite! 🙂 I’m linking up with Lauren, just like always!

1. We had dinner from the Sushi House on Saturday night with some friends and it was super tasty. LOVE Sushi House! We always played some Texas Hold ‘Em and we all (the adults) got schooled by two 12 year olds who had never played before. Talk about beginner’s luck!

2. The Superbowl was fun! Weird power outage, though, right?! We made some delicious treats to munch on during the game, and my favorite were definitely the Jalapeno Potato Poppers! Wow! Those babies were GOOD! And a hit with everyone!

3. Nick and I had an impromptu night at home – he was supposed to be out with his little buddy, but that got cancelled last minute. Nick and I ended up watching some old episodes of “The Cosby Show” on TVLand. SO fun!

4. Met up with some friends and got a bunch of details hammered out for an upcoming event. I’m very detail-oriented so it made my heart happy to get some of it done.

5. It rained like crazy yesterday and the snow is FINALLY gone from all of the streets! Ugh. Snow. Bring on spring! (the groundhog didn’t see his shadow, either! Yay!)

Happy weekend!

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