Beach weekend

This last weekend we went to visit some friends in Virginia Beach. They live in an RV full-time across the street from the beach, and Olive loves to go and visit her (dog) buddy, Jackson. We had rehab first thing on Friday morning where Olive got a chance to trot/run in the hydrotherapy tank, and do some exercises. She slept great in the car! We stopped for lunch in Richmond, and it was a beautiful day, so we were all able to sit outside and enjoy our meal and the sunshine.

Family selfie at our Starbucks stop!

Saturday morning Nick got up to do his long run, and the rest of got up shortly after to catch the sunrise at the beach. I was really hoping to see dolphins, but no such luck. However, the sunrise was stunning, and it was so peaceful to be there. Olive loves the beach, and she loved being able to play in the sand, and smell all of the things!

Just a girl and the sunrise.

Look at that sandy nose!

Saturday afternoon we all loaded up into the car (4 humans + 2 dogs) and went to Reaver Beach Brewing Co. I’m not really a huge beer person, or any alcohol really, but they had some really tasty sours on tap, and had just released a new one that day as well. So we all grabbed a drink, got the pups situated, and played some of our favorite card games. Olive got ALL the pets, and had an awesome time!

Look how fast that tail was going!

Needless to say, Saturday night the pups were worn out, and so it was a fun time chatting, laughing, and watching the Food Network. Sunday morning was another sunrise walk (still no dolphins, wahhhh!), and a lazy morning before heading home. Traffic was NOT great, and it took a lot longer to get home than we thought it would, but we made it! Olive was OUT shortly after stopped for coffee and were on our way.

Passed out.

We all had such a fun weekend! It was so great to see our friends, eat some great vegan food, laugh, and see Olive play at the beach again. She’s definitely acting like her “old” self again these days, and it’s so fun to see! Can’t wait for the weather to warm up just a smidge so we can get outside a little more. Here’s to all of the adventures to come!


We did it! We took Olive in for her 8 week appointment on Monday, and she got the all clear from the surgeon. He said that she looks great, that everything healed beautifully, and that we can start conditioning her to get back to running and playing like she used to. We’re still doing weekly rehab appointments, and she’ll graduate on April 12th. We’re supposed to start incorporating a few minutes of a light jog/run with her and then do a cool down. I’m not exactly sure how she’s going to like doing it, but if we let her go from zero to sixty, she’s very likely to strain a muscle (or two).

She’s going to be heading back to the pet sitter (aka her favorite place on earth) next month while we get away for our anniversary, so we need to make sure she’s ready to play the day away with all of her furry friends! We’re visiting friends next weekend at the beach, so it’ll be really fun to see her playing in the sand and water again. She has always liked the water, but always been a little apprehensive, and we’re excited to see how she does now that she’s been doing hydrotherapy for 3 months. Although, at the beach there’s no peanut butter to work for. 😉

Still waiting for all the hair to grow back on her chicken leg!

Staying warm and cozy on a rainy day.

Thank you for following along on this journey with us! It’s been a looooooooong time coming, but we all worked hard and we made it happen! I can’t wait to share some of our adventures with you!

4 weeks (13 weeks)

We took Olive for her four week checkup yesterday with her surgeon. He said that she’s healing well, and that she no longer needs the sling assist while on walks. I’d say over the last week to ten days, she’s been using the leg normally, and is getting around much like her old self. We have started giving her a little bit more freedom around the house – mostly in the kitchen when we’re preparing meals or during the day when the sun is at it’s peak.

She had a 30 minute rehab appointment last week, and she did 8 minutes in the hydrotherapy tub. She was a wee bit apprehensive at first, but she quickly got into the groove. She’s been crushing her exercises at home, so we are very proud of her progress! She has an hour appointment this week, so we’re anxious to get back into the routine. We scheduled her eight week appointment for March 18th, and so we can feel the end is in sight!!

Getting that vitamin D!
Sooooo tired after rehab.
Playing with her pizza.

Thanks for following along on Olive’s journey!

Love is a verb

The other night on our way home from church, Nick and I were talking about body image, and how often we can get so caught up in wanting to weigh a certain number, or lose that “extra 10 pounds”. Where does that desire come from? Ourselves? Others? Trying to conform to what society says we should look like?

As a woman, I’ve had my share of struggles with my body, and I’m sure it will always be something that I have to work on. However, over the past few years, I’ve come to love my body even if from time to time I get off course and let the negative thoughts creep back in. I’m fueling my body well with the food I choose to eat, and I know that because of those choices my body is getting what it needs. I’m also doing my part to speak up for the animals who are being needlessly tortured everyday, and that I’m trying to make our planet a better place. Do I enjoy vegan cupcakes, french fries, or pizza? You bet! What we eat should be about balance, and what can best fuel our bodies to work at their best.

I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with “working out”. It seems like it’s about everyone trying to one-up each other with some new workout or diet that will burn the most calories, and help you lose 20 pounds. When I finally released myself from that mindset, I was able to find a way to move my body that I love, and look forward to doing everyday. A sweet friend introduced me to The Balanced Life about six months ago. I dabbled in Pilates years ago, but somehow got out of the habit – or maybe it was because I had all of my workouts on VHS, ha! I’ve consistently done a Pilates routine for the last four months at least 5 days a week. I don’t say that to brag, but to say that I’ve found something that I love to do, that allows me to move my body, and has made me appreciate all that my body is capable of doing!

When Nick and I were talking it reminded me of something I read a few years ago. I can’t remember for the life of me where I read it, but it was profound, and I never forgot it. Basically the author was talking about how we only get one body in this life, and how we treat our bodies is an act of worship. If we’re fueling it well, moving it everyday, and taking care of ourselves, then that’s it. You’ve done it! YOU ARE MADE IN GOD’S IMAGE! If we continue to hate our bodies, and discount the amazing things they’re capable of doing – and it’s awesome it’s different for everyone – then you are basically saying that God messed up when He made you. And that, my friend, is a huge lie.

Bodies come in all shapes, colors, sizes, and they are all beautiful.

I’m so proud of Nick because of what he’s been able to accomplish in the past year or so. He will so soon be running his second half marathon (!!!), and I think that’s amazing! I sometimes think he’s a little insane for running outside in this crazy winter weather 😉 , but he continues to keep at it, and it’s a way for him to work his body and appreciate what it can do. He’s an inspiration to me to be better, and to love myself. I have zero desire to run a half marathon, and I can’t run faster than an 11-minute mile, but he always reminds me that it’s just about taking that first step. It doesn’t matter how fast you are. It’s just about doing it, and loving that your body is capable of moving your forward – however you choose to move it!

I watched a powerful documentary on Netflix called “Embrace”. It’s a beautiful story of Taryn Brumfitt and how she truly learned to love her body for how it is. She traveled all over the world and met with people who shared the same insecurities we all feel time and again, and how they were choosing to love themselves in spite of what society might say the “ideal” body is. I love the tagline on the front page of her website: “My body is not an ornament, it is the vehicle to my dreams.”

What are your dreams? Love yourself, and do what can to make those dreams a reality. It’s not always going to be easy, and there will be days you’ll want to give up. God gave these incredible minds and bodies – let’s treat them well, and leave the world the better place than we found it. It’s about progress. Not perfection. We are all so different, and bring such cool and unique things to this world. Wouldn’t the world be such a different place if we all chose to love ourselves, and everyone around us?