Taste Test Tuesday: Dream Caramel Latte

What a couple of weeks we’ve had, its been crazy around here.  And you know what crazy calls for right?  Coffee… Who couldn’t use a little zap of caffeine blended with some sugar to help you through the craziness.  Some might say that its those two items that help lead to the crazy, but if not done in excess I’d disagree.  🙂

Jackie and I have been searching all over the US for the single serve Califia Farms Salted Caramel Iced Latte drink, but we haven’t found that ANYWHERE!  Its like a unicorn, completely made up.  While we were at Hy-Vee the other day though we stumbled upon a newer product from Dream products.  You can see all their products and read more about the company here.  I hadn’t realized they made any coffee drinks, I thought they stuck mostly to the milk blends and ice creams, but I’ve been proven wrong.  Anyway, what we found was this Caramel, Coffee and Almond Milk Latte.


We got home and Jackie must have been feeling it, because she went right for it. Grabbed some ice and poured this over it. Now one of the coolest things about this product was that it was shelf stable. I kind of like the ability to have some fun drinks that don’t need to be refrigerated. It certainly makes it a lot easier to transport and store. Sometimes you just don’t have room in the fridge to hold it. The drink itself was really good, it was nice and smooth, with a coffee that was not too bitter. Sometimes you get lattes and the coffee has just been overdone and burnt, but this wasn’t the case. The caramel flavor was one of a toasted brown sugar, almost like a roasted marshmallow.  I also love that the coffee they used in here was fair trade certified.  Who can’t get behind that.

We both enjoyed it a lot. I’ll definitely be buying more of this any time I’m in the mood for a coffee drink and don’t want the hassle or cost of a Caribou/Starbucks. This is something that anyone can enjoy from their home. Pick one up and give it a whirl.

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