Day Seven

Another delicious weekend day is in the books. This was our last eat on repeat of Day One, and while at first we thought we might be over it, we weren’t. Don’t get me wrong, we were ready to move onto a new week of food, but we were happy to finish out the week strong – and tasty! And even after a week, we still didn’t quite get through the Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip. The amount of food is seriously no joke! We started out our (very HOT) day at a local park to get Olive some good exercise and to enjoy the outside a bit. While walking back to the car we happened to see a deer across the road. Olive was really intrigued, and they watched each other for a bit, but neither one made a sound or attempted to run off. It was pretty cute. I’d like to think they would have been friends. 😉
Olive and the deer

As Nick mentioned yesterday, we got to enjoy “real” breakfast and have a dessert as it was a weekend day.

Vegan Chocolate Buttermilk Pancakes (serving size = 3 pancakes)
Abundance Diet day seven
These were DELICIOUS. They were super satisfying and just wanted we wanted for a Sunday morning breakfast. Nick made an awesome no sugar added raspberry sauce (defrosted raspberries pulsed, strained, and then pulsed again with a touch of water, juice of half a lemon, and a drop of liquid stevia) that was the perfect compliment. Mmmmm. So good. I could have eaten about 12 of these!

Easy Applesauce Snack Cake
Abundance Diet day 7
We made this into muffins as we halved the recipe to make only 2 servings. We were afraid that it wouldn’t be quite right if we tried to bake in a loaf pan. It was also great to have multiple muffins to make the yummy dessert last! Each of us got 3 muffins. I don’t know how she did it, but Somer has come up with the best gluten free blend EVER. It’s magic! It doesn’t taste gluten free in the slightest, and the texture and rise she gets is just plain amazing. These muffins weren’t overly sweet, but it fulfilled that carb craving that we’d been having. They would also be delicious with some chopped up apple inside.

Thoughts on day seven: well, we finished out the week strong – and full! It felt as though we were able to eat all day! You can also snack on any other fruits or veggies you’d like throughout the day, so we snagged (Nick did chose it) a delicious watermelon that we snacked on a bit after dinner. It’s hard to believe we’ve gone a week without sugar. I even managed to drink (and enjoy) an unsweetened iced green tea from Starbucks!

On to week two!